Week of Jun 20th
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Because 95% of the surveyed AWS CWI agree that they should have taken the AWS exam much earlier in their career and that it had a POSITIVE IMPACT on their career… Do you want to regret later?
AWS CWI involves great responsibility and remarkable skill demonstration. The CWI® is widely recognized, both nationally and internationally, and successful companies have come to rely on this AWS certification when ensuring the highest level of quality workmanship. As a Certified Welding Inspector, you will find this career path lucrative and rewarding.
Examination Pass |
No of Questions |
Time |
Minimum % to Pass |
Part A Fundamentals |
150 | 2 Hrs | 72 % |
Part B- Practical | 46 | 2 Hrs | 72 % |
Part C- Code Book | 60 | 2 Hrs | 72 % |
I am a Welder, I am a Welding Supervisor, I am a Welding Inspector, I am an Engineer & I want to drive efficiency with my team. I want to take my career to the next level. How can I do it ?
Certified welding inspectors play a vital role in the fabrication and manufacturing and maintenance industry. Their responsibilities have a direct responsibility on final product quality and safety of public By adhering to specifications and following an inspection plan they help industry avoid repairs and costly project delays.
Eligibility requirements are a minimum of two year’s welding fabrication or inspection experience or completion of a recognized course in the fundamental principles and practices of welding and quality control and inspection of welding.
While educational courses are not obligatory for certification, candidates who want to prepare for the certification have an excellent resource through the various modular learning programs offered by the AWS.
Eurotech has the ONLY ACCELERATED LEARNING TRAINING for Welding Inspection leading to AWS CWI. Our Group of experts are not only Welding Experts but involve a group of passionate educationists.
The course is of 6 days duration followed by a exam on 7th day.
Eurotech additionally gives 3 day preparatory training for Part B and Part C well before the seminar.
The Welding Inspection Technology Workshop is packed with information on nondestructive examination methods applicable to common welding processes. It will assist welding inspectors and welding educators with knowledge of welding and inspection fundamentals useful on the job site. In addition, this seminar will prepare examination candidates for Part A (Fundamentals) of the CWI examination.
This workshop provides hands-on training in the use of weld measurement tools and plastic weld replicas to determine the sizes of various weld discontinuities. Students will compare what they find to the criteria in a sample codebook to determine the acceptability or rejection criteria of the sample weldments. The workshop also includes a sample practical examination to prepare test candidates for Part B (Practical Applications) of the CWI examination.
This four-hour course covers general provisions of API 1104, including qualification of welding procedures for welds containing filler-metal additions, design and preparation of the joint for production welding, nondestructive testing and acceptance standards, and automatic welding with and without filler-metal additions.
Candidates will be given the Course material for training before the workshop and are supposed to come with a thorough reading in the class. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MAKE THE CODE UNDERSTAND IN HALF A DAY
The Seminar is mandatory to attend before going for examination a 40 hrs training is required to review and understand the knowledge which cover,covering AWS QC1:2007 standards.
1.5 days will be used to cover the “Practical applications” part of the examination. Practicing visual Measuring tools, equipments and weld replicas and further to the acceptability and rejection criteria of sample weld.
1.5 day will be used to expose and refresh your skills in comprehending the welding code books, including qualification of welding procedures
Step-by-step welding lessons, lab recommendations, classroom activities, review questions, teaching standard crosswalk, video analysis and involvement of participants.
Our 3 Day Preparatory course is normally 10-15 days before the start of the official 6 Day Seminar for AWS CWI.
This Three day seminar is designed for better understanding of PART B and PART C course. Here are some reason that you should consider attending this course:
1. A candidate normally spends more than 1250 USD for the course and it is a great discouragement if he does not earns atleast a CAWI from the first attempt he makes
2. It is also clear that all candidates are coming from the working professional background which means that are doing a job and most of them find it difficult to devote extra time to prepare for this course and thus come to the 5 Day Seminar without any preparation
3. Attending this orientation course helps increase the chances to 90% of any candidate to atleast earn a CAWI
4. The orientation course helps in discovering the course syllabi and also the difficulty level of the questions that come in a typical AWS CWI exam. This increased familiarity helps in gaining key points during the seminar.
Click HERE to see the AWS CWI Training calendar and REGISTER NOW
Eurotech Agency is the world best way for choosing to attend the practice and preparation recommended to attend there online exam module to know your weak areas and focus more on the weak preparation , With in seminar around 2 sets of exam for full module and in between each module preparation exams
Example – part C two exams
Part B 2 exams
Part A 2 Exams for full course and separate exam and practical for symbol s etc
Click Here to Get the registration early, and start self study at the earliest for Part A and Par C
Please mail to c.khatri@eurotechworld.net for course Details in INDIA.
Please mail to n.khatri@eurotechworld.net for course Details in MIDDLE EAST.
AWS-CWI is widely recognized certification both at the national and international level and reputed companies always rely on this certification for ensuring quality of work. Today most of the companies are providing training and taking exam of AWS-CWI. But hardly any of these companies are providing AWS-CWI practice test to the aspiring candidates so that they can check and evaluate their preparation. At Eurotech, we are providing practice test or dummy test for aspiring candidates on our website so that they can check and evaluate their preparation for the exam. Please follow the below steps for practice test:
In this way they can analyze your performance and check how much preparation you required before taking the exam.
Please be aware that it is your responsibility to renew your certification before it expires. You will not be allowed to renew your certification after the expiration date. In order to re-certify after your certification has expired, you will be required to test on all parts or part B of the CWI/SCWI examination.
To qualify for a renewal, all CWI applicants must attest to having no continuous inactivity two years or greater, of the three-year certification period, in the practice of welding inspection .This work experience must be documented in the Qualifying Work Experience section of the application. Resumes are not acceptable.
Additionally, you must also provide a current Visual Acuity Record with your application. The Visual Acuity Record cannot be more than (6) months prior to the date of your certification expiration. Eye examinations must also be administered by ophthalmic medical personnel.
Certification becomes effective on the first day of the month following the date of examination. On that same month and day, expiration occurs three years later. A 60 day administrative extension period is allowed. During this time certification will be considered as expired. If the paperwork is received on time and all renewal or recertification requirements have been met, certification will be reactivated. For example,
1. Certification granted, May 1, 2003
2. Certification expires, May 1, 2006
3. Administrative extension period, May 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006
After June 30, 2006, applicant must be re exam and training for AWS CWI.
For AWS Active Member: – 450 USD
For Non member: – 600 USD.
CAWI applicants whose scores on each part of the examination met the requirements of a CWI but lacked the mandatory (5) years experience are eligible for a CWI upgrade provided that the CAWI status is still current. Please document any additional experience you have had since initially taking the CWI/CWE examination in the Qualifying Work Experience section of the application. Certification personnel will review the additional experience to ensure that the (5) year requirement has been met.
• Check the appropriate box indicating the purpose of this application.
• Complete and sign the application (the address indicated on the application is where your documents will
be mailed).
• Visual Acuity Record enclosed.
• Payment is included with the application
Our team continuously focuses and improves the our method of teaching. We have designed code familiarization exercise which helps memorizing important aspects of code. In addition we have designed two practice sessions for Part B . This has been greatly appreciated by the candidates who have told us that this increases their chances of clearing Part B.
Appearing for AWS-CWI exam is very easy as various agents of AWS throughout the world are conducting this exam but the problem is lack of knowledge among the staff of the these agents who don’t provide proper information to the aspirants so they search here and there to get proper information. The marketing staff of these agents only tells them about how to register for the exam. But what about after passing the exam? How would they maintain their AWS-CWI certification? What is the renewals process of AWS-CWI and after how many years there is need to renew the certification? After getting these kinds of inquiries, Eurotech is writing this article on what is the AWS-CWI renewal process so as to help all the AWS-CWI holders. Please see the below process of AWS-CWI renewal:
For example,
1. Certification granted, May 1, 2014
2. Certification expires, May 1, 2017 (Start applying for renewal so as to avoid re exam and training)
3. Administrative extension period, May 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017
After June 30, 2017, applicant must be re exam and training for AWS CWI.
The AWS-CWI renewal fees subject to change from time to time. Please call or mail us to know the renewal fees.
Every time we think about exams it gives us goosebumps. But to achieve anything what we require utmost is investment of two things: good amount of time and commitment towards achievement of the goal. Basically the test is divided into three significant sections.
Before commencing any preparation, it is important that we take a practice test and see where do we stand in terms of subject knowledge. Depending on the score you achieve during your practice test, one can design a routine to take down the preparation.
Part A consists of the basic Welding knowledge, comprising of 150 questions According to the QC1 the CWI Part A exam contains a minimum of 150 questions that must be answered within a two hour period.
Part B tests a range of inspection topics, including welding examination and non-destructive testing. This part contains at least 46 questions that must be finished in two hours. For Part B you’ll be provided with visual inspection tools, plastic replicas of welds and a sample codebook.
Part C just makes an analysis that what is the ability of the exam giver to locate and understand information in a code book. Part C of the CWI exam contains a minimum of 46 questions. All parts of the exam require you to get at least 72% of the questions correct.
Coming back to the preparation for Part A and B you are approximately required to study and understand 130 pages in depth which means giving good 20-46 hours, as preparing the welding symbols alone takes 13 -26 hours
And finally preparing for the complete course it takes 35 – 40 weeks concluding to be 10-12 hours of study in a week’s time.
So if you are planning to take up CWI exam, good luck to start up with a new career.